Notas Breves

Estas notas adicionales podrían ser de interés a nuestros lectores. Casos Yemeni transferidos a Egipto:  El Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC) informa que los casos de visas de inmigrantes Yemeni que fueron previamente calendarizados para entrevistas en Sana’a, igual que...

News in Brief

The following additional items may be of interest to our readers: Yemeni Cases Transferred to Egypt: The National Visa Center (NVC) advises that Yemeni immigrant visa cases that were previously scheduled for interviews at Sana’a, as well as cases that were...

L-1 Checklist Now Used at U.S.-Canada Ports of Entry

In late 2014, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began using an L-1 checklist at U.S.-Canada ports of entry (POE), similar to the TN checklist deployed by the agency earlier in the year. Canadians who seek L-1 adjudications at the U.S.-Canada border and who are...